If you have a big chicken farm in Minecraft, you’ll know that raw chicken can cause food poisoning. While it’s not that common, cooking meat in the game will fill the hunger bars up, and you won’t risk getting the poison effect. But what if you could cook your chicken faster than the regular furnace (and much faster than a campfire)? Well, that’s where Smokers come into play. Here’s how to make a Smoker in Minecraft.
What Is a Smoker in Minecraft
A Smoker is one of the utility items added to Minecraft back in the Village & Pillage Update. With this, you can finally cook your food faster than a regular furnace. You can also smelt raw materials faster now, using a Blast Furnace. These two compile what we like to call “The Smelting Siblings”.
But this begs the question, where can you find a smoker in the game? And how can you craft one? Let’s find out!
Where Can You Find a Smoker in Minecraft

Finding a Smoker
Smokers will naturally generate in a village if there’s a butcher there. That being said, butchers aren’t as common as other professions, like farmers and clerics. So, you should opt for crafting Smoker rather than searching for one that has been generated naturally.
How to Craft a Smoker in Minecraft

Smoker Recipe
To craft a Smoker in Minecraft, you can use the recipe shown above, which requires the following items:
- 1 Furnace
- 4 Wood Logs
These are fairly simple to get, and you can even use stripped logs instead of regular ones to make a Smoker. To make a furnace, all you’ll need is some cobblestone, and you’re good to go.
How to Use a Smoker in Minecraft
Now that you have obtained your very own Smoker in Minecraft, you’ll need to put it to good use. Smokers have two primary functions in the game; they cook food faster, and they can turn an unemployed villager into a butcher.
Cook Food Faster
Smokers will cook any type of edible food twice as fast as a regular furnace. There’s a caveat, though. It will also eat up fuel at the same rate, so you’ll need to fill it up with coal regularly.
Turn a Villager Into a Butcher
If the village you’re in has an unemployed Villager and you place a smoker anywhere within the premises, that Villager will approach it and turn into a Butcher. Butchers can be a great source of cooked meat, especially if you’re on an adventure and haven’t stocked up.
Plus, if you have access to lots of berries, you can trade them for tons of emeralds with them.
And that’s how you can make a Smoker in Minecraft. Since it’s so simple to make, getting one early on in the game will save you up some time and let you venture deeper into the ever-growing caves of Minecraft. Do you think that the Smoker was a good addition to the game? Let us know over on the Minecraft Forum!